An educational leadership doctorate puts you way ahead in your career in education. This page provides information on what is studied in these educational leadership doctoral degrees, what the job prospects are, where you can study them online, and more.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Educational Leadership Doctorate Programs
Develop your Management and Business Skills with an MA in Marketing
An MA in marketing program provides the basic knowledge and skills for success in the business community. This page gives more details of the programs and provides links to suitable schools where they can be taken.
Career Options with a Developmental Psychology Masters Degree
There are many career options after taking a developmental psychology masters degree. This page will help you to find out more about studying online and on-campus, and to locate suitable programs for this exciting study of human development.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Studying for an Educational Leadership Administration Doctorate
Most people who choose to specialize in educational leadership administration at doctoral level are already licensed teachers or school administrators wishing to further their career in administration. Indeed, a doctorate in this subject is required for principal or superintendent licensure in several states of the US.
This page provides information on what is studied and where you can study such programs online.
On the Move: Mobile Learning for Development
Edited by:
Wanjira Kinuthia, Georgia State University
Stewart Marshall, The University of the West Indies
This a recently published book on how some educators have embraced the opportunities afforded by mobile learning in developing and resource challenged contexts.
The book will appeal to elected public/government representatives, public service agencies, community groups, regional development bodies, researchers, educational technologists and others interested in mobile learning. Students on senior undergraduate or postgraduate courses in educational technology, education, development studies, information technology, information systems, business, health, and social work will find this book useful in their studies related to the application of mobiles in learning and development.
More details:
Monday, May 27, 2013
How to Get Started as a Consultant
If you want to switch careers but still stay within your industry, a consulting job might be for you -- here are some tips on how to become a consultant.
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When One Social Network Is Enough
Our society is social media crazy, but some people have found a home in one social network.
In a post on Quora, a user wrote, "I have noticed in myself … that becoming continuously and actively involved in a new social network often leads soon to the cessation of involvement in another one." A user in the thread replied, "It's difficult for any single person to maintain relationships in more than three communities at a time, [but] I'd say that a very social, highly engaged person can manage up to nine with success."
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Teaching and Learning Weekly
"Teaching and Learning Weekly", by Adam Atodl: A free, online newspaper with a curated selection of articles, blog posts, videos and photos about education, for students and professionals in the field.
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The Truth About Kids And Social Media
According to a recent study 78 of parents helped create their childrens Facebook pages and 7.5 million users are under the age of 13.
So what are the benefits of kids using social media?
This is where parents and educators need to think long term and recognize that kids are building a personal brand from an early age. Their digital footprint will have an impact on their future. Where they end up getting admitted to college, getting a job, and more. Social media will help connect them with like-minded individuals, including mentors, that share similar interests and aspirations that can help them achieve their long-term goals.
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Theories of Learning. Connectivism: A new type ...
Theories of Learning. Connectivism: A new type of learning for the digital age (Theories of Learning.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
36 Entertaining Apps That Are Actually Educational | #mlearning #mobile
Looking for a few dozen entertaining apps that you can use in the classroom? Us too! Good thing you can check out this useful list and get started with us.
Exciting Developments in Uses of 3D Printing in Education
This fascinating emerging technology is finding its way into colleges, universities, and high schools and bringing powerful possibilities to teaching various
[Tips for Educators] BYOD Practices to Enhance Learning within Budget - EdTechReview
BYOD implementation is not affordable by schools but here is how you can enhance learning with less number of devices and low budget in a classroom.
5 Tips to Minimize Final Exam Anxiety
Final exams can be stressful, but here are some tips that can help make exam season go smoothly.
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Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Tips for Learning Online
Tips for learning online - Here are three things you should make sure you do, two things you shouldn't do, and one thing that is absolutely forbidden, if you are wanting to learn online.
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The Teacher's Guide To Keeping Students Safe Online
Keeping students safe while online and using their phones is critical in modern education. Here's a teacher's guide that should help out.
Tips for learning online: Three things to do, two things not to do, and one "no-no" for learning online
Tips for learning online - Here are three things you should make sure you do, two things you shouldn't do, and one thing that is absolutely forbidden, if you are wanting to learn online.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
5 Less-Known iPad Apps For The Flipped Classroom
These 5 apps are among the less well-known applications to support the flipped classroom model.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
About Online Learning
Find out more about online learning or elearning - using audio and video-conferencing, email, chat, and completing an online degree or certificate by distance.
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May 16, 2013: IJEDICT Weekly News is out
"IJEDICT Weekly News", by Stewart Marshall: A free, online newspaper with a curated selection of articles, blog posts, videos and photos about education and development using ICT.
Read and subscribe free at:
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Online Teacher Certification Programs
In order to teach in public schools in the US, you need to have passed a suitable program of study and obtained teacher certification (licensure).
Online teacher certification programs are an excellent way to qualify for a teaching career. This page gives details of the programs and where they can be found.
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Monday, May 13, 2013
Should university students use Wikipedia?
Most academics look down on the open source encyclopedia, but does it really hinder students' studies?
Despite Wikipedia's drawbacks, students will continue to take advantage of the resource – and the default response of academics to simply advise against using the site is unlikely to have much effect. Lancaster lecturer Dr Catherine Easton says students must develop an ability to analyse the nature of the source material within Wikipedia, adding that the educator should ensure there is "a strong, continuing focus on the need to support academic work with references to acceptable scholarly sources".
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Friday, May 10, 2013
Open Educational Resources: Innovation, Research and Practice
Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning:
Open Educational Resources: Innovation, Research and Practice
Rory McGreal, Wanjira Kinuthia and Stewart Marshall, Eds. May 2013
Published jointly by the Commonwealth of Learning and Athabasca University, Canada (UNESCO/COL Chair in OER) as CC-BY-SA and freely available to Available in PDF and epub formats.
This book is one in a series of OER resources published by COL. It describes the OER movement in detail, providing readers with insight into OER's significant benefits, its theory and practice, and its achievements and challenges. The 16 chapters, written by some of the leading international experts on the subject, are organised into four parts by theme:
OER in AcademiaOER in Practice:Diffusion of OERProducing, Sharing and Using OER
Instructional designers, curriculum developers, educational technologists, teachers, researchers, students, others involved in creating, studying or using OER: all will find this timely resource informative and inspiring.
Infographic: Hackers Create An Amazing, Illegal Portrait Of The Internet
It wasn’t malicious. The file itself was the size of a small JPEG. It was given the absolute lowest priority. And it was set to self-destruct if anything went wrong. But this small file allowed one single hacker to measure the Internet activity of nearly half a million connected devices around the world, then share the results with everyone.
How was this even possible? The "hacker" barely hacked anything. In reality, they gained access to all these systems because each had the default "root" set as a password. With this access in hand, they ran several tests focusing on Internet structure and activity. And what they created from all this data is a spectacular map that captures a day in the life of the Internet (and all of its users).
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Seven simple tricks to impressively speed up slow iPads - AcademiPad
Is your iPad getting slow? Check out these 7 tricks to speed up your iPad. This post delivers long-term results, and it explains what does NOT work as well.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013 AND More Powerful Together Than Either Alone
See on - Business Futures
Why is Scoop It Kicking Paper Li’s Rear End?
Isn’t it the same concept? You create your own online newspaper. Why is Scoop It generating so much more…
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Scientists find key to ageing process in hypothalamus
See on - Healthcare Professionals
US team identifies mechanism deep in brains of mice that can be tweaked to shorten or lengthen lives
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May 7, 2013: Online And Distance Learning Weekly is out
"Online And Distance Learning Weekly", by Natalie Stewart: a free, online newspaper with a curated selection of articles, blog posts, videos and photos about online and distance learning - for teachers, researchers and students.
Read and subscribe free at: